CBD oil is an oil derived from marijuana that has been modified to make it more tolerable by the body. It has a lot of potential when it comes to the medical marijuana community as there is only limited studies currently being done on its effects. However, it has proven to be very popular with many people who are looking for ways to help them feel better without having to deal with some of the side effects associated with medical marijuana. CBD is a derivative of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabidiol is an active phytocannabannabinol found in 1940 in Mexico. It is among the 113 identified cannabis compounds and accounts for more than 40% of marijuana's total extract. It has no psychoactive properties and can be safely used by adults. There is currently little or no research being done on CBD oil for the reason that the medical marijuana community does not want to see any negative effects of it being used. However, since many people are looking for alternative ways to treat chronic ailments that they cannot seem to beat, they are using it in their efforts. Many people have reported an improvement in mood, muscle pain, insomnia and anxiety. The list goes on. The medical marijuana industry is also starting to see the benefits of CBD oil in other ways. Since it is so similar in structure to other natural compounds, it is often added to medications as a non-psychoactive additive. This way doctors will be able to give their patients natural pain relievers without the possible side effects of benzodiazepines or opiates. It is also being used to help people who are looking to quit smoking. This may be especially important, since it does not have the addictive properties of tobacco products. For many years, the medical marijuana community had to rely on synthetic forms of this compound because it was too expensive to make it in the lab. However, new developments have made it possible to make it in a more cost-effective manner. It does require a lot of heat, but the end product is much higher in quality than most natural sources. Since it is pure, you can expect a long shelf life and there will not be any type of degradation over time that is common with other oils. Currently, there is no doubt that CBD oil is here to stay and will soon become the mainstay treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions. As it gains more popularity in the medical marijuana community and in general, you can expect that more studies are being done on it as well.